Call for Entries: Find Inspiration in a Fresh Start & Submit Your Design to Fab’s ‘First Things First’ by March 21


About three months ago, we were interested to learn that Kiel Mead, co-founder of American Design Club and friend of Core, had taken a leadership role at As the Executive Vice President of Design, Mead is looking to spearhead new initiatives to support designers through Fab as a global online platform. Here he presents his first project, “First Things First,” a call for entries for NYCxDesign, in his own words.

Fab Submit is a new initiative at Fab that stems from our longstanding goal of discovering and promoting the work of designers at all stages of their careers. Fab Submit is an open door for designers to present their designs to us, with the very real potential to have Fab produce and sell their work. The intent of our first call is to inspire new design with an intentionally broad brief. “First Things First: Finding Inspiration In A Fresh Start” is a prompt that we think will get the wheels turning for designers to take pen, pencil or indigo blue Prismacolor to paper.

My career before Fab was all about supporting designers and finding new and interesting ways to show, share and sell their work. For the past several years I have helped to foster an ever growing community of designers through my work with the American Design Club. Now I can pair those resources and that camaraderie with the expansive reach and established platform of Fab. One of the best things about Fab is how much this company wants to discover new and exciting work from designers at any level of their careers. Through programs like Fab Submit, we will discover great new designs and amazing new talents.


The deadline to submit is March 21, so check out the call for submissions and enter today!


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