Bring Your Fast Sketching Skillz to the Chain Drawings Game


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Playing Pictionary with a group of art students, or fellow designers, is what the Brits would call “terrific fun.” (Your American correspondent can’t describe it without using a meliorative preceded by the F-bomb.) Inventors Robert Angel and Gary Everson could not have created a better parlor game for people who can draw their asses off, and it makes “Exquisite Corpse” look lame in comparison.

Which doesn’t mean we shouldn’t stop trying to invent more communal drawing activities. Core77 Boarder sketchroll has come up with his own plan which combines the “Geography” game with chain letters. Called “Chain Drawings,” the scheme he cooked up last night starts with his shoe sketch. The next person then drew an eraser, which sketchroll followed with a robot.

So…who’s next? T-square, telephone or turbocharger, anyone? And how long until someone introduces an abstract concept like “trust?”


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