Bloom’s folding crib


Go back to the last century and you’d see babies sucking on rubber pacifiers, Maggie-Simpson-style, which every parent bought; years later we’d find out those seemingly harmless chew-things actually release endocrine disrupters over time. Not good.

One of the modern-day companies trying to keep babies safe from chemical crap–in style–is Bloom, founded by four dads in the U.K. Their latest, the Alma folding crib, is made from toxic-preservative-free wood using low VOC finishes and formaldehyde-free adhesives, culled from sustainable forests to boot. You also won’t find any of that ubiquitous MDF, which off-gases over time. Lastly, the Alma folds up into a tidy little package when not in use, for those of us with smaller spaces.


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