Bill McDonough to Give Keynote Address at Dwell on Design

Dwell on Design is back. The West Coast weekend of modern design events—from seminars and discussions to exhibits and self-guided tours of modern homes—kicks off on Friday in Los Angeles with a keynote address by William McDonough. The architect, designer, and author will describe how Cradle to Cradle thinking about design, architecture, and industry can create a future that is “more good” rather than “less bad.” Also part of McDonough’s discussion of the future of dwelling: the non-profit Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute. Other featured presentations at Dwell on Design will focus on landscape design, sustainability, and what it’s like to live in an Airstream (we’re thinking more good and less bad?). On Sunday, Architecture for Humanity will cap off the three-day confab with a regeneration-themed Pecha Kucha. Ready to seize this opportunity to donate your heartbeat to a good cause and meet Ed Begley Jr.? Tickets are available here. Enter code DWELLUNBEIGE83 to receive $15 off Conference Plus and $15 off Exhibition Plus tickets.

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