Bike-themed limited edition print exhibition

By Jody Barton, Big Active

Two creatives at Fallon, Pete Lewis and Omar Karim, have joined forces with Wesley Merritt at Debut Art to launch A Family Affair, a charity project to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support. The trio will be cycling from John O’Groats to Land’s End in June, and have also commissioned a number of artists and illustrators to create bike-themed limited edition prints to help raise money…

The limited edition A2 prints will be exhibited at Fallon in London next Thursday evening (May 24), where they will also be for sale for £75 each. Here’s a selection of some of the lovely works that will be on sale on the night:

By Wesley Merritt, Debut Art

By Paul Bower, Pocko

By Ryan Todd

By James Dawe, Pocko

By Celyn, Debut Art

By Owen Gildersleeve, YCN

By Morgan Guegan, Made In Fallon

Even if you’re not that into bikes, there’s a lot of lovely design work to admire here. The exhibition will be held at Fallon, 20-22 Great Titchfield Street, from 6.30-9pm on May 24, or alternatively, you can purchase the prints online (there are 29 in total) at Dig deep people!

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