BERG Cloud … the tiniest printer of all!


I love gadgets and this probably the best looking one I have aver seen… seems like a little magic box to me … so what is the secret here… well this little guy is a printer!


A Little Printer that can live in your house, bringing you news, puzzles and gossip from friends. All you need is a smartphone to set up subscriptions and Little Printer will gather them together to create a timely, beautiful mini-newspaper…. how cool is that!


BergCloud from the UK is the design comapny that invented and designed the Little Printer. Here are some faq's about the launch date and how to get your hands on one of these cuties!

BERG is a design studio, working hands-on with companies to research and develop their technologies and strategy, primarily by finding opportunities in networks and physical things. More here at BERG London.

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