Behold: The White House Briefing Room Seating Chart

There are only 49 seats in the White House briefing room, which makes them highly coveted. So when changes were recently implemented, news organizations scrambled. Score a front row seat and you’re likely to get questions answered. Land in the back row? Good luck.

The best seats in the new White House briefing room belong to NBC News, Fox News (which beat out NPR and Bloomberg News years ago), the AP, ABC News, Reuters and CNN.

The AP typically gets selected first. After that, with each row, the chances of speaking to the President go downhill fast. Although as USA Today notes, there are exceptions: Yahoo News’ Olivier Knox, in the sixth row, gets plenty of opportunities. As does Roll Call’s Steven Dennis in the last row.

As for everyone else in the last row — including staffers from BuzzFeed, the BBC, The Boston Globe, The Dallas Morning News and more — they might as well bide the time passing notes and gossiping about the spring sock hop, because they’re not getting picked.

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