Beer for Boomers: Heineken Challenges Designers to Innovate for 60+ Year-Old Drinkers

Content Sponsored by Heineken


Heineken is pleased to announce the next challenge in their ongoing Ideas Brewery innovation platform: they’re inviting designers to come up with new ways to reach and reinvent the beer-drinking experience for the 60–70 year old demographic, based on crowdsourced observations from earlier this year.

An often over-looked demographic, Heineken is using its crowdsourcing platform,, to gather ideas on how to cater for this ‘liberated’ generation of consumers who enjoy more freedom from jobs, children, stress and strive more for quality of life, well-being and self-development.

HEINEKEN invites creative people from around the world to submit fresh ideas that will enhance the drinking experience for 60–70 years olds, taking into consideration the beer, the packaging and serving method. The challenge is to cater these new propositions to the unique lifestyle, attitudes and needs of this group. This is the second stage of the Ideas Brewery campaign which was launched at the beginning of the year, where Heineken challenged the public to submit their observations on the lifestyles for 60+.

These insights, gathered from consumers across five continents via, fell under three main categories and should guide the thinking for the 60+ Ideas challenge responses:

– Quality experiences: The 60+ demographic is becoming increasingly more quality focused. The quality of a meal or beverage far outweighs the quantity for these consumers.
– Learning and re-discovery: This generation is committed to continued learning, new perspectives and self-development. They want to stay relevant and vital.
– More time for social activities: The 60+ generation of today has more time, space and liberty to enjoy hobbies, sports and traveling. They have a strong attraction to new or more frequent activity-related social occasions

Entrants have until June 27 to submit their best ideas on for a chance to win a share of the $10,000 total cash prizes. Following the entry period, Heineken will select six finalists to a two-day workshop in Amsterdam; an expert jury—Dominic Wilcox, Alex Goh (Design Taxi), Daniel Quinn ( and two senior HEINEKEN innovation experts—will select the top three winners, who will receive $5,000, $3,000 and $2,000.



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