Beautiful Books by Bari Zaki
Posted in: UncategorizedUPPERCASE reader Bari Zaki makes these gorgeous books using traditional European and Japanese techniques. In addition to blank books, box-making, she also binds photography portfolios and photo albums.
Bari writes:
I have been a hand-bookbinder for 25 years and so your recent newsletters had a particular resonance with me. My career began with a simple yet intense curiosity; I saw a blank book that was made by hand and it sent my heart into a pitter-patter of delight… How do you do that, I wondered?! I went in search. Since then I have made literally hundreds of books and have several stacks of them in my home, which have become permanent fixtures.
“Many people say to me that they love my books but they are too special to write in… I hear that a lot in fact. I thought about scribbling on the first page as an ode to making the first mess, so to speak.” Whether they are left blank to be admired for their integral beauty of form and construction, or filled with sketches and notes, Bari’s books live up to the ultimate goal of any book: to inspire.
Visit Bari’s shop to see more.
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