Baltimore Museum of Art Hires Andy Warhol Look-Alikes to Promote Upcoming Exhibition

If all you know about Baltimore came from watching The Wire, you should know that it’s far more than just the tough streets, damaged families and drug violence. It’s also a good place to find work if you’re an Andy Warhol impersonator. According to the Baltimore Sun, the Baltimore Museum of Art put out a casting call this week and held auditions for ten spots to serve as “walk-around Warhols” at events around the city to help drum up interest for when the museum hosts the last stop on the nation tour of the traveling exhibition, Andy Warhol: The Last Decade (pdf), which is set to open in mid-October and run through early January. The paper reports on the strange irony of hiring people to go out looking and acting like the quiet, reserved and mysterious artist, but instead turning on the charm and trying to engage people in conversation, something the real Warhol likely would never have done.

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