Bali with Udder


A couple of weeks ago my family and I went to Bali, one of the main islands of Indonesia. Going there was on my wish-list for a long time, so my expectations were pretty high … perhaps never a good thing. We didn't go by ourselves nor did we plan the trip ourselves, instead we were invited by the company my husband works for to spend some time with all of his collegues and their families in one of those luxurious resorts. Yep lucky us!

But… and I don't want to complain … there wasn't much time to travel on the island or dicsover some of those places that were recommended to me by my friends… instead we spend most of our time at the pool from the hotel. 

We did see some things like the famous market in Ubud and the Tanah-lot temple … but I thought both of them were way too touristic, super crowed, warm and not interesting at all. So if we ever go back I will avoid all the famous and well-known places on Bali. Instead I will look for a hotel outside the mainstream cities and use all the information on Udder's blog. 

The only thing I bought was a cute black teapot and two little 'spa' bottles for oil and parfume. It was in a very tiny village were pottery and ceramics are the main source of income.



All images from Udder

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