Auto Awesomeness from RCA’s Vehicle Design Department Blog
Posted in: UncategorizedHideaki Iida
Marcus Classen
Michal Vlcek
As one of the premier art and design schools in not only the UK but the world, the Royal College of Art boasts the world’s longest-running Vehicle Design postgraduate program (i.e. Masters program, for statesiders). The Class of ’13 has recently launched a Tumblog of their endeavors at, which is essentially a daily dose of auto design porn: mostly digital sketches, supplemented by abstract form studies and a few tidbits of inspiration and documentation of the coursework.
Ki Kim
Jungwook Jay Lee
Nir Siegel
The image blog is intended to offer a glimpse of the inner workings of a design department, specifically “to follow the process of final projects in real-time.” Ian Slattery (MA ’13) elaborates:
So much of the studio work and process is unseen. Traditionally students work for six months in seclusion before displaying their designs. This year, vehicle design students will update the blog daily and give the chance for people to follow and interact with the run up to the graduate show.
Qiannan Wang
Shihan Pi
This year’s class was keen to investigate new ways of displaying work in order to open up to a wider audience. As a year we are striving to update the traditional design degree show format, and will be continuing this theme in our final exhibition in June.
We feel the automotive industry is evolving and we wanted to evolve with it by using all the media available to us, in order to create a richer narrative to our work.
Ewan Gallimore
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