AU 2013 Exhibition Hall: Contour Design’s RollerMouse for Multiple-Monitor CAD Jockeys


This year’s Autodesk University was the largest we’d attended, with around 10,000 bodies swarming through the enormous Exhibition Hall. But unlike in previous years, where we saw tons of neat physical gizmos—like Zebra Imaging’s crazy holographic prints, the affordable but powerful ShopBot Desktop CNC mill or unusual interface devices like Leonar3Do’s “Bird” 3D mouse—this year the bulk of the Hall was either things we’d previously covered, or software. Better content management software and rendering plug-ins do not a sexy blog post make, so we combed the floor seeking things that we could touch and feel.

Our criteria for finding physically-designed objects meant the pickings in the vast Hall were slim, but we did find the very unusual RollerMouse from Contour Design. Designed specifically for traders and CAD users with multiple-monitor set-ups, the RollerMouse is intended to increase efficiency and speed while reducing or preventing repetitive stress injuries. Have a look:


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