Attempting to Get Doug Jaeger to Open Up About the MoMA Campaign Debacle


Also returning to a story from late February that you may have heard some of the controversy surrounding, that of Doug Jaeger, owner of the firm Happy Corp. and president of the Art Directors Club, getting spotted working with a street artist in defacing/re-working a subway campaign for the MoMA. The hook of the story was that Jaeger’s firm was also responsible for creating the whole campaign. Long story short, the MoMA denied that it had any knowledge of these “alterations” were going to be made to images of pieces in their collection, they stopped working with his firm, and now he’s up against some legal issues. Returning to all of this, Jeremy Abelson has put together this great piece and video interview with Jaeger about the whole thing. And though everyone is still skirting around admitting to who knew what was going on and whether or not this was just a clever bit of advertising run afoul, it’s a great batch of speculation and one of those rare instances where something labeled “viral” is genuinely interesting.

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