Atelier Solarshop in Antwerp


I already knew Antwerp is one of the coolest places in Europe .. lot's of design and fashion boutiques and the best croquettes in the world :):) … the next time i am visiting I will definetly make a stop -over at Atelier Solar shop

What started as a pop-up shop I believe has turned into a permanent shop selling fantastic vintage pieces. The "PLIA" foldable chair by Giancarlo Piretti for Castelli has been on my wish-list for a long time. And look at the acapulca chairs in the image all the way below … grap them, they are to cool!




When I saw the little fluffy thingie in the picture above on the wooden table I wanted to know what it is so i did some online research and learnt that Renilde de Peuter from at swim two brids makes these very nice 'Swirls' … 



..Atelier Solar shop

Address: Dambruggestraat 48, 2060 Antwerp, Belgium

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