Ask Mrs. Robinson at B:Studio


It has been a little over 3 weeks now that we have launched B:Studio. The third member fot he Bloesem blog family which is all about Photography and it showcasing series of very talented photographers worldwide. The response so far is just FANTASTIC and I would like to thank you all!!

Yesterday Monique, my partner in crime posted the first real column about photography. Topic this week was: how can I stand out as a photographer? Monique who is been working the photography world for more than 15 years now runs her own agency in A.sterdam and every week she will give us some tips and ideas about the business side of photography… of course she is also very willing to answer questions you might have.. so leave a comment or send her an email.  

Just a few of my favorite images so far we have shared on B:Studio:


credits: photopgraher details are to be found here at B:Studio.

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