As Urbanized Begins Its Long Tour, Reviews Follow

Although it premiered earlier this month at the Toronto Film Festival, Gary Hustwit‘s latest documentary, this time about city planning and entitled Urbanized, is just starting to kick off its worldwide tour, meaning it’s apt to become the subject of nearly every design-based conversation for the next few months, like with Helvetica and Objectified were before it. Starting in New York last week with a screening as part of the Urban Design Week, Hustwit is personally taking the film around to cities around the US (and one stop in London), out until early November. If you happen to live near a major metropolis, and can get tickets quickly enough (thus far every screening has sold out), you should be able to catch it. In the interim, you should start seeing a bevy of reviews from both bloggers and traditional media outlets. The LA Times‘ resident architecture critic, Christopher Hawthorne, just filed his review, saying that it’s “a sharp, good-looking documentary” and that it “ranks among the smartest recent analyses of mass global urbanization and its discontents,” though he’s a bit miffed that the film doesn’t even include a second about Los Angeles, something the critic finds a glaring omission. Though we wouldn’t be surprised at all if this happens in any number of cities, given that there are only a finite amount Hustwit could cover (“What about Cleveland?!” we’re imagining the Plain Dealer‘s critic is, albeit perhaps wrongly in comparison to LA, already thinking). Here’s the trailer:

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