Art Journal Names Lane Relyea as Editor-in-Chief

There’s been a major changing of the guard at Art Journal and we’re pleased as punch that their new leader works just down the street from this writer, here in Chicago. This week, the quarterly-published “forum for scholarship and visual exploration in the visual arts” has named Lane Relyea as its new editor-in-chief beginning in July of 2012, replacing current editor Katy Siegel of Hunter College, whose three-year term will be expiring. Relyea is an associate professor in the Art Theory & Practice department at Northwestern and has published in magazines such as Artforum and Frieze and MIT Press will soon be releasing his first book (which can presumably be read in an earlier form, here). Along with Relyea taking over next year, Art Journal has signed on a number of new board members:

Joining the Art Journal Editorial Board for four-year terms are Doryun Chong, associate curator of painting and sculpture at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, and Saloni Mathur, associate professor at the University of California, Los Angeles. Chong is a contributing editor at Art Asia Pacific and worked as associate curator of visual arts at the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota, from 2003 to 2009. His recent exhibitions include Bruce Nauman: Days (2010) and Haegue Yang: Integrity of the Insider (2009–10). Mathur, a specialist in the art of South Asia, wrote India by Design: Colonial History and Cultural Display (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2007). Her recently compiled volume, The Migrant’s Time: Rethinking Art History and Diaspora, is forthcoming from Yale University Press.

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