Art in Your Home :: Caroline Gomez


Portrait by Julie Rey

A: Art means to me… To me art is translated by design: a functional art. But also lifestyle, the daily little gifts, our rites…

R: Reading books, blogs or magazines… I like to read books on the history of photography, about cooking, or reflections on design. I like magazines about decoration…


T: Trends I see in art or graphic design are… I like to find art that is graphic, subtle, colorful, balanced, and discreet. I like the brief and effective graphics of the 50s with their beautiful harmonies. I also like the forms of Scandinavian graphics, especially Danish.


A: Artists I admire are… Stephen Shore, Martin Paar, Erwin Olaf, Dieter Rams, Jean Prouvé…

N: Never will I… be pessimistic!


D: Dreams for my own work are… To keep creating art, and learn from what I have created. 

P: Projects I am currently working on are… My future summer collection which has some surprises in store! I also work on photos for my magazine SL Ø issue 02, and am collaborating with other brands, but it is still a secret! 


R: Relaxing I do at/when/if… I like taking a trip to the countryside, or going for a walk on the beach!

I: Interesting art focused websites I like are… I like websites which value beautiful small hand crafts, which makes it elegant, for example: GARDE and websites of photos that show beautiful places, for example: THE YARD


N: New in my home is… A new attractive chair for a child. I am going to repaint it in emerald green, or blue of china… I am still not sure which one..


T: Tomorrow I would like to go to… Florence (Italy) to eat pasta, or go shopping in New York!

S: Studio, my studio is… Bright, spacious, clear and I like working here – I feel really good there! It is my house, my studio, and my showroom. That makes it very practical, and always ready for me to create, and at the same time be with my family.


Thank you Caroline for this gorgeous tour of the Art in Your Home! Want to learn more about Caroline Gomez and her lovely life, then be sure to check out her website, shop, and blog.

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