Around the Design World in 180 Words: NYT Edition

(Photographs by Lee Friedlander for The New York Times)

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  • One of the government’s most powerful agencies is sending sinister messages through its logo! Christoph Niemann reveals the E.P.A.’s secret agenda
  • Nicolai Ouroussoff finds much to admire in the “Cronocaos” wrought by Rem Koolhaas and his Office for Metropolitan Architecture at New York’s New Museum. “A skilled provocateur, [Koolhaas] paints a picture of an army of well-meaning but clueless preservationists who, in their zeal to protect the world’s architectural legacies, end up debasing them by creating tasteful scenery for docile consumers while airbrushing out the most difficult chapters of history,” notes Ouroussoff, who is OK with the manifesto-ness of the exhibition, on view through June 5. “[W]hat saves it from becoming pure polemic is that Mr. Koolhaas is a first-rate architect as well as an original thinker,” he writes. “Some of the best parts of the show involve his efforts to find ways out of this mess.” 
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