Around the Design World in 180 Words: Awards Edition

  • Today the American Society of Magazine Editors and the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism announced the 2011 National Magazine Awards for Digital Media. In the digital media design category, The New York Times Magazine bested fellow finalists The Daily Beast, New York, Sports Illustrated, and Vogue, while was the easy favorite in the digital media photography category. And kudos to our design-minded friends at Fast Company, whose “Co. Design” department took home the award for best online department.
  • The Center for Curatorial Studies at Bard College has selected ubercurators Helen Molesworth, chief curator at the Institute of Contemporary Art/Boston, and Hans Ulrich Obrist, codirector of exhibitions and programmes and director of international projects at London’s Serpentine Gallery, as the winners of its annual award for curatorial excellence. They’ll receive their awards at a gala dinner on April 13 in New York.

  • More details on David Rockwell’s Lawrence Israel prize lecture, scheduled for April 28 at 6:00 pm at the Fashion Institute of Technology: He’ll discuss “his professional journey, Rockwell Group’s current projects, and his new explorations into using technology to create more powerful spatial experiences.”

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