Is it data or is it art? Find out tomorrow evening at the New York Public Library, where Manual Lima will discuss his gasp-inducing new book of information visualualizations, Visual Complexity: Mapping Patterns of Information (Princeton Architectural Press). The interaction designer and information architect will sign copies after the talk, but we’re planning to ask him to whip up a quickie chart of the library’s collections in lieu of a traditional autograph.More line blurring is on tap for October 1, when the Society of Illustrators hosts “Illustrator as Designer,” a gallery talk with John Hendrix, Chris Silas Neal, and Jennifer Daniel. The three-ring circus of a presentation (and we mean that in a good way) will explore designed images, drawn text, and the creative process.The American Federation of Arts will honor artist Marina Abramović and Earl A. Powell III, director of the National Gallery of Art, at its Gala and Cultural Leadership Awards on Wednesday, October 26. Approximately 200 artists, museum directors, art collectors, and philanthropists will dine, dance, and jostle for collectible raffle prizes: works by April Gornik and Richard Bell.New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.
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