Around the Art and Design World in 180 Words: Museum Moves Edition

  • Anthony Bannon, director of George Eastman House International Museum of Photography and Film (pictured), has begun his last year on the job. He will retire on July 31, 2012, having held the directorship of the Rochester, New York-based museum since 1996. “We have set into place a new and vigorous strategic direction, and it is time for new energy and vision to move that forward,” said Bannon, under whose leadership the museum created three post-graduate preservation schools, forged alliances with museums and universities, and mounted many of the most-attended exhibitions in the museum’s 64-year history. An international search will begin soon, and Bannon will assist in the search process.

  • Jennifer Farrell has been named curator of exhibitions at the University of Virginia Art Museum, where she will be in charge of developing in-house exhibitions, working with outside curators to formulate future projects and advising on museum purchases, among other responsibilities. Farrell was previously director of the Nancy Graves Foundation in New York, an organization focused on giving grants to artists and to preserving and exhibiting the work of artist Nancy Graves.

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