Architecture with a Bang: Is Author Tom Clancy Trying to Build an Indoor Shooting Range at Baltimore’s Ritz-Carlton Residences?

Speaking of powerful men with lots of money who want things done their way, there’s an interesting architecture development happening in Baltimore, stirring up some rumors in the process. The Baltimore Sun reports that an owner of a penthouse-level condo at the Ritz-Carlton Residences near the city’s waterfront has hired an architect and is seeking permission from the city to build an indoor gun range. No one is sure who wants a portion of their house torn up and spot to fire guns in put up, not even the architect, but most of the rumors point to novelist/licensing-guru Tom Clancy. A known gun enthusiast, who has built ranges at his other properties, owns and entire floor of the tony Baltimore building. Clancy is sure to be up against some big hurdles, and not just from his neighbors who might put up a fight (we also can’t imagine that the association’s bylaws include “No gun ranges may be installed in any property.”) As the Sun reports, “State law prohibits the firing of guns within 150 yards of any residence. Whether that would prevent a permitted gun owner from shooting indoors in a controlled environment such as a firing range is one of the questions being considered by authorities. ” But when you’ve already spent nearly $17 million on buying a whole floor of a building, that likely implies that you don’t mind spending a few more bucks to help grease some wheels.

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