Architect/Artist David Hansen's Fantastic "Photographic Impressions"
Posted in: UncategorizedIn search of some visual peace amidst all of the bad public news, I’ve been trawling art websites and just stumbled across the work of David Hansen. Hansen, an architect with 25 years of experience, creates wonderful and evocative images of cities and architectural spaces using a self-invented technique:
Photographic Impressions, and “Architectural Landscapes” as [Hansen] has coined the finished pieces, are a unique new expression from exposing traditional photographic images to the new digital darkroom and creative tools and techniques. His subject matter is broad, spanning from local Utah landscapes and Architecture, to exotic figure work and beyond. His art exposes a passion for the beauty, complexity and unity of the natural world in which we exist.
Hansen sells his work on Fine Art America. Here’s a sampling:
Check out more of Hansen’s work here.
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