Appealing Transportation Design Concept: The Autonomous Sleeping Mobile

Overnight travel is freaking amazing. I’ve taken overnight trains and buses in the ‘States, Europe and Asia and always loved it. To be unconscious during the boring parts of travel, then wake up at your destination, is the closest thing we have to teleportation.

This Swift Pod concept, designed by Berlin-based creative agency XOIO, aims to put that magic in an autonomous vehicle.

“Boarding at the desired departure point at the desired time – maximum flexibility”

Swift Pod – Autonomous Sleeping Mobile

“The Swift Pod is an internal design study based on the idea that relatively long distances can be covered ‘in your sleep’ at an ecologically acceptable speed. Obviously inspired by the concept of night trains, the sleeper mobile reflects the fascination of waking up in a different place from where you started and, last but not least, the nostalgia of this travel option. We found the fact that the German railways could no longer maintain this monopoly position and that night trains have only been bookable via ÖBB [Austria’s railway service] since 2016 all the more tragic to us.

“With the development of autonomous driving, we wanted to take up the concept again and transfer it to autonomous individual transport.

“The customer(s) would – in accordance with available ridesharing concepts – order their Swift Pod online, which would then arrive at the specified time and place. After ‘take-off’, the system calculates the ideal travel speed in order to bring passengers to their destination in a reliable and ecologically friendly manner. Of course, traveling at night brings the additional advantage of low traffic, which would be conducive to a smooth journey.”

“Minimalism and comfort – Despite the streamlined shape, the interior offers enough space to travel comfortably while sitting or lying down. A fold-out table and online WiFi even make it easy to work.”

“The Swift Pod offers space for 2 travelers. These can travel sitting, although the main attraction is of course traveling lying down or sleeping. Together with a well-equipped media system, the mobile sleeper offers a small selection of snacks and drinks. Luggage can be stowed under the beds or under the seat.”

“The Swift Pod glides through the night.”

“The Swift Pod is named after the English name for the swallow, which spends a large part of its life – including sleep – flying.”

“After a good night’s sleep, you have the option of having your morning coffee at a selected location before completing the last few kilometers to your destination. Fancy a quick swim?”

“Short breaks can be planned as a special feature. The navigation system offers a selection of attractive locations to grab something to eat or freshen up. Our scenario shows a traveler having his coffee at a particularly beautiful location by the lake.

“Finally, we are aware that the minimalist design of the Swift Pod is certainly not the right means of transport for all travelers. We still decided to continue with the iconic triangular shape to emphasize how, with available technologies, travel within a certain distance without flying could be possible in a minimalist way.”

I’m old and will die before teleportation is invented. But this thing could conceivably be built in my lifetime, if a Musk or Bezos type fancies it.

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Appealing Transportation Design Concept: The Autonomous Sleeping Mobile

Overnight travel is freaking amazing. I’ve taken overnight trains and buses in the ‘States, Europe and Asia and always loved it. To be unconscious during the boring parts of travel, then wake up at your destination, is the closest thing we have to teleportation.

This Swift Pod concept, designed by Berlin-based creative agency XOIO, aims to put that magic in an autonomous vehicle.

“Boarding at the desired departure point at the desired time – maximum flexibility”

Swift Pod – Autonomous Sleeping Mobile

“The Swift Pod is an internal design study based on the idea that relatively long distances can be covered ‘in your sleep’ at an ecologically acceptable speed. Obviously inspired by the concept of night trains, the sleeper mobile reflects the fascination of waking up in a different place from where you started and, last but not least, the nostalgia of this travel option. We found the fact that the German railways could no longer maintain this monopoly position and that night trains have only been bookable via ÖBB [Austria’s railway service] since 2016 all the more tragic to us.

“With the development of autonomous driving, we wanted to take up the concept again and transfer it to autonomous individual transport.

“The customer(s) would – in accordance with available ridesharing concepts – order their Swift Pod online, which would then arrive at the specified time and place. After ‘take-off’, the system calculates the ideal travel speed in order to bring passengers to their destination in a reliable and ecologically friendly manner. Of course, traveling at night brings the additional advantage of low traffic, which would be conducive to a smooth journey.”

“Minimalism and comfort – Despite the streamlined shape, the interior offers enough space to travel comfortably while sitting or lying down. A fold-out table and online WiFi even make it easy to work.”

“The Swift Pod offers space for 2 travelers. These can travel sitting, although the main attraction is of course traveling lying down or sleeping. Together with a well-equipped media system, the mobile sleeper offers a small selection of snacks and drinks. Luggage can be stowed under the beds or under the seat.”

“The Swift Pod glides through the night.”

“The Swift Pod is named after the English name for the swallow, which spends a large part of its life – including sleep – flying.”

“After a good night’s sleep, you have the option of having your morning coffee at a selected location before completing the last few kilometers to your destination. Fancy a quick swim?”

“Short breaks can be planned as a special feature. The navigation system offers a selection of attractive locations to grab something to eat or freshen up. Our scenario shows a traveler having his coffee at a particularly beautiful location by the lake.

“Finally, we are aware that the minimalist design of the Swift Pod is certainly not the right means of transport for all travelers. We still decided to continue with the iconic triangular shape to emphasize how, with available technologies, travel within a certain distance without flying could be possible in a minimalist way.”

I’m old and will die before teleportation is invented. But this thing could conceivably be built in my lifetime, if a Musk or Bezos type fancies it.

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