App to the Future: More Finalists + Deadline Extension!


Guess what app designers? Your response to the App to the Future challenge has been so overwhelming that we’re officially increasing the number of finalists from 30 to 50—AND extending the submission deadline to February 10th!

All 50 finalists will receive 1-year Dev Center subscriptions (where valid) and are eligible to receive Windows Phone devices by launching their apps in the Windows Phone Store. The app submission deadline will be posted when the App to the Future winners and finalists are announced in early March.

So you’ve got one extra week get your app design reviewed by a professional Windows Phone interaction designer in a Lightning Design Review (read his tips here), refine your app’s focus by watching the Design Boot Camp video series and put the final touches on your entry before submitting it by 11:59pm EST February 10, 2013. That’s 20 more chances to be an App to the Future—time to get crackin’!


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