App to the Future: Last Chance to Design the Future!


This is it, folks—this weekend’s your LAST CHANCE to put the finishing touches on your brilliant, useful, touching and stunning Windows Phone app design and submit it to our App to the Future design challenge! Entries must be in and uploaded by 11:59pm EST this Sunday, February 10 to be eligible to win, so don’t wait until the last minute. If you’re looking for a bit more inspiration, check out the previous Lightning Design Review Sessions or step up your game by watching the Windows Phone Design Bootcamp 201 videos.

Winners will receive a Microsoft Surface and Windows Phone device as well as being featured in “Amp Up Your App” on Channel 9 and getting a direct consultation from the Windows Phone Design team and write-ups on Core77. All finalists will receive a 1-year free subscription to the Dev Center and any finalists and their developers who complete and launch their apps in the Windows Phone Store can also win a Windows Phone.

Our team and jurors are eager to start plowing through the already impressive stack of entries to select 50 finalists and then narrow those down to five winners. The winners and finalists will be announced in early March on Core77 and the App to the Future site. That’s also when we’ll announce the deadline to have your apps launched in the Windows Phone Store for finalists who want to win the notable Windows Phone prizes, and we’ll provide some extra resources to help you make that happen.

So best of luck to all you daring app designers—we can’t wait to see your plans for the future!


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