ANZAS Dance Studio by Tsutsumi and Associates

Anzas dance studio by yoshimasa tsutsumi

Beijing based architects Tsutsumi and Associates have completed this dance studio in Beijing with mirrored walls covered in tiny graduated dots to create the illusion of a mist hanging in the air.

Anzas dance studio by yoshimasa tsutsumi

Called ANZAS Dance Studio, the interior has tigerwood flooring and spotlights dotted across the ceiling.

Anzas dance studio by yoshimasa tsutsumi

Curves in the apex of each corner further blur the perceived boundaries of the room.

Anzas dance studio by yoshimasa tsutsumi

The following is from the architects:

Project description

Project title – ANZAS Dance Studio

Anzas dance studio by yoshimasa tsutsumi

It is a dance studio planned to the corner of the building in the Beijing city.

Anzas dance studio by yoshimasa tsutsumi

What is done in the studio is to confirm the behaviour of the body. In the view of being repeated by the mirror, changing dizzyingly, a sense of existence of the floor becomes important. Paradoxically speaking, anything but the floor is unnecessary to be perceived. Then I imagined a space wrapped in a deep fog. It was felt that the scenery in the fog in which everything except ground is near whiteout condition was proper to this dance studio.

Anzas dance studio by yoshimasa tsutsumi

Grainy and deep coloured tigerwood (Muiracatiara) is used for the floor, and all the other things are painted white so that the floor gets remarkable. By painting a white ceramic paint in a dot gradation on the mirror, the floor merges far into the wall.

Anzas dance studio by yoshimasa tsutsumi
When it sets foot on the studio, an innumerable white particle wraps the body. The floor merges gradually in a deep boundary, and senses of depth are lost. Although the dance studio is mostly a dull space with only the mirror, by blurring everything but the floor without assuming its existence, a fantastic space has been created.

Anzas dance studio by yoshimasa tsutsumi

Used materials   dance studio:
Floor/ tigerwood (Muiracatiara)
wall/ painted mirror
ceiling/ plaster board


Floor/ ceramic tile
Wall/ paint only
Ceiling/ plaster board
Construction methods- ceramic painted mirror with dot gradation pattern.
Furniture manufacturer – Beijing Biaode Decoration Co.,Ltd
Lighting manufacturer – Beijing Biaode Decoration Co.,Ltd
Floor manufacturer – Beijing Biaode Decoration Co.,Ltd
Wall manufacturer – Beijing Biaode Decoration Co.,Ltd
Floor area (m2) – 66.3
Date of completion – 15/06/2009
Description of the project

See also:


Nagi by Eiri Ota and
Irene Gardpoit Chan
Ricort by
Isolation Unit
Kanazawa World Craft Triennial by Nendo
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