Anne Frank House, HBO, National Geographic Among Winners of Adobe MAX Awards

Today is the final day of Adobe MAX, the digital media confab that swooped into Los Angeles on Saturday with sessions such as “Are You Smarter Than a Flash Evangelist?” and intensive CS5 tutorials that were BYOL (bring your own laptop) affairs. Attendees threw down at a Rubiks Cube competition, were mesmerized by the Rich Media Ad Shootout, and each took home a free Google TV. And then there was Shatner. The man himself was on hand last night to emcee—in. his. distinctively. halting. style—the Adobe MAX Awards. Now in their eighth year, the awards highlight innovative uses of Adobe software and technology to create high-impact enterprise, social computing, entertainment, and digital-publishing applications. Among those collecting wins (and priceless Shatnerian handshakes) were HBO, whose HBO GO online portal triumphed in the entertainment category, and Thomson Reuters for its Reuters Insider video player. Secret Annex Online, a 3D online journey of the Anne Frank House that the museum developed with LBi Amsterdam, bested the other finalists in the advertising and branding category, while The Complete National Geographic won for digital publishing. Also taking home awards last night were site-specific applications known as litl channels and Wacom’s Bamboo Dock, a social computing application. Meanwhile, Shatner appeared (somewhat) calmer after being assured that Adobe AIR is not in fact a competitor of

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