Alissa Walker: The battle of Design versus The Chairs

pAlissa Walker’s got a fine piece up on Good right now (cleverly-titled “Why I Write About Design Now”), shining a light on the tension between the concerns and artifacts of design and Design. Here’s a taste:/p

blockquoteNew York City’s Design Week officially kicked off yesterday, its physical heart encased within a barricade of European furniture at the International Contemporary Furniture Fair at the Jacob Javits Convention Center, its arteries branching out into shelter stores throughout SoHo and the Meatpacking District and into a series of edgier satellite fairs scattered across Manhattan and Brooklyn like tiny, throbbing capillaries.

pAnd up, way up, on East 91st Street, almost completely isolated from the rest of the Design Week bustle, the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum’s Triennial Why Design Now? opened today. Physiologically, this would be the cerebral cortex. You might want to call this the brain of Design Week./p

pThe disconnect between these two vital organs is a discrepancy that plays out every day in design publications. But it becomes increasingly apparent every three years when the Cooper-Hewitt opens its show on the Upper East Side. I like to call it the battle of Design versus The Chairs./blockquote/p

pRead the whole piece a href=””here/a./pa href=””(more…)/a
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