AIA’s Architecture Billings Index Doesn’t Budge, Stays Positive

Sometimes the old adage of no news being good news couldn’t be more true, particularly when it comes to the business of building. The American Institute of Architects have released their monthly Architecture Billings Index and it hasn’t made a budge, neither up or down by even a single decimal. One could easily consider this a good sign, considering its predilection over the past couple of years to swing wildly in both directions, and that last month it had ended in the positive. And so the Index remains, stationary at 52 (anything above 50 indicates an increase in billings and a general sense of how well the industry is fairing). However, per usual, here’s the AIA’s main man of math cautiously reminding us that that other old adage, “history repeats itself,” has also been known to be true from time to time as well:

“We saw nearly identical conditions in November and December of 2010 only to see momentum sputter and billings fall into negative territory as we moved through 2011, so it’s too early to be sure that we are in a full recovery mode,” said AIA Chief Economist, Kermit Baker, PhD, Hon. AIA. “Nevertheless, this is very good news for the design and construction industry and it’s entirely possible conditions will slowly continue to improve as the year progresses.”

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