Ai Weiwei and Olafur Eliasson Launch ‘Moon,’ a Website that Lets Anyone Put a Mark on the Moon Through Words and Art


From far away, ‘Moon,’ a project by Ai Weiwei and Olafur Eliasson, looks just like you’d expect it to—round and pale with a few craters here and there. Zoom in and you’ll quickly find that the craters are individual pieces of art and words working together to create a moon-like landscape from a distance. As in the previously-seen “Epic Exquisite Corpse,” the interactive project is an exercise in what we’ll call ‘crowdsketching.’ The experience begins with a word from the artists:

“Turn nothing into something—make a drawing, make a mark. Connect with others through this space of imagination. Look at other people’s drawings and share them with the world. Be part of the growing community to celebrate how creative expression transcends external borders and internal constraints. We are in this world together.

Ideas, wind, and air no one can stop.”

Moon-SemiDetail.jpgA semi-zoomed look at ‘Moon’


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