ABC in 3D: Marion Bataille’s Mesmerizing Alphabet

At a time of year when our inbox runneth over with word of imminent fall happenings, it’s refreshing to receive a package by post, particularly when it contains a design classic in the making. Such was the case when a beautifully wrapped copy of Marion Bataille’s ABC3D (Roaring Brook Press) arrived at UnBeige HQ. The Paris-based graphic designer’s first U.S. publication has been rapidly embraced (and widely lauded) by the kiddie lit set, but design lovers of all ages will be entranced by this pop-up tour through the alphabet, which begins with a lenticular cover and moves through shape-shifting letterforms that involve spinning discs, collapsing lattices, mirrors, scrim-like pages, and other feats of paper engineering. Photos don’t begin to convey the typographical magic Bataille has wrought. Digital media to the rescue! Experience ABC3D in 2D with this video:

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