A Quantum Leap in Digital Fabrication: The FORM 1 3D Printer Raises $100K in 2.5 Hours


Debate and implications about Kickstarter’s recent policy changes aside, it’s still the de facto platform for crowdfunding projects of all stripes, and the FORM 1 3D Printer is the latest launch to receive the sort of viral fanfare typically reserved for a certain Cupertino-based computing concern. Since the Technology project went live this morning, it’s surpassed its $100,000 goal by nearly 100% as of press time (and possibly record time).

Hot on the heels of MakerBot’s hot new Replicator 2—having seen it in person at their new retail space in Lower Manhattan, I must say it’s a handsome piece of hardware—Formlabs have most definitely taken the personal 3D printing game to the next level. In contrast to MakerBot’s less-expensive, less open or otherwise dubious competitors, the team of MIT grads and current grad students sought to lower the cost of a higher resolution—and traditionally, higher-priced—process.

For most designers, the extruded plastic (i.e. FDM) of low-end printers is simply not capable of the high resolution and quality surface finish necessary for professional work. So, we decided to go straight for the real deal: a stereolithography printer we call the Form 1.

Stereolithography (SL) is the gold standard for accuracy and resolution in the 3D printing world, reaching layer thicknesses and feature sizes that are worlds ahead of what is possible with FDM. The process is pretty straightforward – a laser is used to draw on the surface of a liquid plastic resin that hardens when exposed to a certain wavelength of light. The laser draws and hardens a layer at a time until the entire model is built. It’s simple, reliable, and quiet.

Unfortunately, SL is traditionally one of the most expensive 3D printing processes. With pricey lasers and high-precision optical components, SL 3D printers can easily cost tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. Until now.



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