A Persistent, Location-Aware Eye in the Sky for your Computer: Tom Taylor’s Satellite Eyes


Tom Taylor is a technologist and engineer who enjoys working “in the fuzzy space between matter and radiation,” and he’s got a neat Mac app (probably most fun for those who travel a lot for work): Satellite Eyes. The simple application changes your desktop wallpaper to a satellite photo of your current location as soon as you connect to the internet.

“It features a number of different map styles, ranging from aerial photography to abstract watercolors,” writes Taylor. “And if you have multiple monitors, it will take advantage of the full width, spanning images across them.”

Surprisingly it does not use Google Maps’ images, and unsurprisingly it doesn’t use Apple Maps’ images either; data comes from OpenStreetMap, Bing Maps and San-Francisco-based design/technology studio Stamen Design.

Best of all, London-based Taylor has made the app’s price conversion nice and easy: £0 equals $0.


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