A New Look at the Long-Delayed Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial

If you’ve followed the story of the efforts in trying to get a Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial into Washington DC, you’ll recall what a huge hurdle it’s been over the years, trying to put it in place. From the heated controversy over the sculptor hired to create it to bureaucratic hurdles to overcome, it’s been a long and rocky road. At the end of 2009, it looked as though, after all the struggle, it was going to happen and the civil rights leader would finally have a permanent home in the nation’s capital. Though there’s still lots of landscaping and barrier work to finish up before it official opens in August, now that the granite memorial itself has been put in place, the Washington Post has filed this report on its ongoing work, as well as a nice multi-page recap of all that’s happened to get it to nearing the finish line. They’ve also shot this video of the memorial being put in place last month, as well as a look at some of the finishing touches to the stone itself, hosted by Ed Jackson, the architect behind the project:

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