A Look Inside Peter Zumthor’s Serpentine Pavilion

This week will mark another sign that summer is official here for good: the opening of the Serpentine Pavilion in London’s Hyde Park. As you might recall, it was announced much earlier than usual, back in October, that 2009 Pritzker Prize winner Peter Zumthor would be designing the 11th annual temporary structure. Unlike Jean Nouvel‘s from last year, “big batch of redness” as we’d come to call it, a sneak preview of architectural renderings back in early April showed a decidedly more reserved pavilion, an open air garden enclosed by concrete, angled walls. As Zumthor put it back in April, “…the concept for this year’s Pavilion is the hortus conclusus, a contemplative room, a garden within a garden.” Now that the structure is built and nearly ready for public consumption (or rather, public contemplation) when it opens this Friday, the media is beginning to get sneak previews, including the Telegraph, who assembled this video tour to accompany their very positive review of the new space:

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