A green oasis in the middle of Amsterdam


By now you probably know that we spend the summer in our own Amsterdam apartment, what I haven't told you yet is that last year this apartment was completely redesigned … we took out some walls and brought in new cabinets all designed by our dear friends Xander and Leon. Or should I say XandL … the name of their design studio. 

I am not going to show you images of our new apartment … saving that for a bit later … no today I am going to show you some images of the XandL work studio and atelier in Amsterdam so you understand why we always chose working with them … 

My husband and I are very much in love with everything these two creatives make and do … just an impression of the houses they have turned into true can be found on their website. 
I was smart enough to bring my camera when we visited them for a coffee … the images you see are from their workplace … I didn't do any styling or preparations, no need! I just took some pics from different corners in 15 minutes to give you, the Bloesem readers an impression. I know I am lucky to share them with you because X and L normally don't like having too much attention 🙂 






ps. Monday next week I will share even more images  … !

All images by me, Irene Hoofs

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