A Few Thousand Miles from LA, Eli and Edythe Broad Museum at MSU Gets Tagged


Speaking of unrequested street art as we were in that last post, LA MoCA‘s problem of having graffiti pop up outside of their museum has spread all the way to Michigan. The still-under construction, Zaha Hadid-designed Eli and Edythe Broad Museum, on the campus of Michigan State University, was recently tagged with five paintings, each with “the same image, a circular face with two red, wavy lines coming from its sides.” A piece of building machinery was also hit. The university is upset, but sources tell the State News that the damage isn’t anything that can’t be cleaned up fairly quickly. What makes it kind of interesting and significant is that the Broads financed the MoCA’s Art in the Streets street art exhibition. So like we said, even if the artist/vandal wasn’t aware of it, the LA museum’s problem has now spread across state lines.

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