A Creative Dad's Tale of Artistic and Mathematical Experimentation, Failure, Triumph and Pancakes


What’s more fascinating than watching the progression of a talented artist or designer’s work? Also, Creative Dads is becoming a thing. First we saw Michael Chou devising a better way to serve up ice cream to his kids. Now we see Nathan Shields, father of toddlers Gryphon and Alice, devising increasingly sophisticated methods of creating pancakes with aesthetic and representational value.

Using a plastic squirt bottle filled with pancake batter, in early 2012 Shields was drawing primitive forms to amuse his kids, with a hot non-stick pan as his canvas:


However, at some point he discovered that whatever streams of batter were “drawn” first would of course cook for longer, meaning they’d be darker brown upon flipping.


With this understanding of how to create tonality, Shields’ drawings swiftly grew more sophisticated and defined:


This technique led to his popular Beatles Pancakes YouTube video:


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