50 posters in the life of Modern Art Oxford

Yoko Ono poster, 1997-98

Modern Art Oxford is beginning its 50th birthday celebrations early (it is 50 in 2015), with a website containing a collection of 50 posters from its exhibition archive, chosen by artists Simon & Tom Bloor. The posters are displayed online at mao5050.com.

Accompanying each poster on the site is information about the exhibition it was for, and why the Bloors have picked it for their collection. What’s missing, however, are most of the poster designers’ names – this is because many are currently unknown. I’ve listed the designers’ names on the ones shown here when known, but if any of you know who designed the others, please let us know in the comments box below.

Alexander Rodchenko poster, 1979, designed by David King

Donald Judd poster, 1976

Constructed Space Participation show, 1966

Manfred Pernice poster, 2010, designed by APFEL

Art in Action event, designed by Graham Fink (before his days in advertising)

Candice Breitz and Jim Lambie exhibition, 2002 (this was the year that the museum’s name was changed to Modern Art Oxford)

Russian Contructivist Sculpture exhibition, 1974

Pioneers of Part-Art group show, 1971, designed by John Dugger and David Medalla

Jan Dibbets poster, 1977

Carl Andre poster, 1975

Sol Lewitt exhibition poster, 1993

Stephen Willats show, 1968

The full 50 posters in the collection can be viewed online at mao5050.com.

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