Introducing 2018 Nikon Film Festival

Comme chaque année depuis 2010, Nikon organise le Nikon Film Festival, qui a acquis au fil des éditions une notoriété et une reconnaissance dans son milieu. Sur un thème donné, les jeunes réalisateurs sont appelés à proposer un court métrage d’une durée de 2min20 maximum.
Cette année les participants sont invités imaginer leur création sur le thème « Je Suis un Cadeau » jusqu’au 10 janvier 2018. Un prestigieux jury, présidé par l’actrice et réalisatrice Emmanuelle Bercot et composé entre autres de Pierre Niney, Marie Gillain ou encore Noémie Merlant, départagera les meilleures propositions.

Emmanuelle Bercot prend donc le relais de Cédric Klapisch, Président du jury pour l’édition 2016. L’actrice et réalisatrice s’est révélée par un court métrage intitulé Les vacances, sorti en 1997 et, qui avait à l’époque, été récompensé par le Prix du Jury au Festival de Cannes. C’est tout naturellement qu’elle donne quelques petits tuyaux aux participants pour réussir à présenter une jolie réalisation qui plaira au jury mais dont il seront eux aussi satisfaits.

La présidente de ce prestigieux jury est impatiente de découvrir la manière dont l’imaginaire des réalisateurs, en herbe ou confirmés, s’est développé sur le thème du cadeau. Elle souligne également le défi que représente le format très court offert par Nikon. Mais ce format est également une chance pour les participants de par l’aspect viral et ouvert du projet.

Si vous débordez d’imagination, si la mise en scène et la direction d’acteurs est une passion et que vous aimez les défis, le Nikon Film Festival est fait pour vous. Il suffit de remplir votre formulaire de candidature et vous lancer dans l’aventure. Votre création aura peut-être le même destin que les lauréats des éditions précédentes, avec la diffusion dans les salles de cinéma Mk2 et à la télévision ou encore du matériel Nikon D850.

Voici une sélection de 3 films lauréats de l’édition passée.

Realistic Bamboo Insects

Les insectes de Noriyuki Saitoh ont l’air plus vrai que nature. Armé de patience et faisant preuve d’une grande minutie, l’artiste japonais a créé ses œuvres en miniature à l’aide d’un seul matériau : le bambou. Un choix pertinent qui lui permet de reconstituer les formes, textures et couleurs propres aux insectes.




Design Job: Rule the World as Amazon's Associate Creative Director in Seattle, WA

Associate Creative Director Developing unique work that no one else has thought of, and that no one outside of Amazon could actually accomplish, Amazon Media Group seeks an associate creative director with the chops to help our advertising clients make an impact with Amazon customers. We’re looking for a thinker with great ideas and great craft, who is unselfishly creative, who can share ideas with younger teams while fostering their growth, and who is ambitious—but nice to be around.

View the full design job here

Matthew Tierney's Three-Act Exhibition, "Empires Fall | The Dance Goes On": Captured motion gives way to concentrated emotion, at NYC's Bryant Toth Fine Art

Even before entering Bryant Toth Fine Art, one can witness the power of color that’s been restrained, precisely framed and hung just beyond the glass. The works, by artist Matthew Tierney, capture dancers in a position of movement, and allude to movements……

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Flawless Design for Flawless Skin


Less is more, and this can be evidently seen through the design styles sprouting out of Japan and Korea over the past decade. The likes of cloudandco, Muji, and Almond Design being the most prominent advocates. They have indeed made their mark globally and continuing to do so, influencing the design language as they go. One person that’s following suit is Park Yong-woo, the designer behind the NMS (Needle Machine for Skin).

What is NMS right? Well, it’s the ideal technology for skin lifting, tightening and rejuvenation by utilizing minimally invasive micro-needles to deliver controlled high-frequency radio waves directly into various depths of the skin, leaving it looking riches and fuller. Given the nature of the treatment, there are multiple depths required throughout the appointment – the NMS enables the user to accurately execute the level necessary with the user-friendly dial located towards the top.

Designed for intuitive use, the NMS can be held in either a pen grip or a joystick approach, accommodating for a variety of hand sizes and user styles. This eye-catching device is accented by its equally beautiful charging station. The station is smartly designed, taking up minimal desk surface, capturing only a small surface area of the NMS – making it easier for the user to locate the device onto the station. Although the station is slanted, Yong-woo gave the station a sharp taper towards the end of the slanted cutaway, keeping the device in place throughout its charging period. A nice piece of design and popular material choices, I’m excited to see what Yong-woo will make next.

Designer: Yong-woo Park









The Perfect Pool-side Companion


Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome to the world, the all-new Kindle Oasis E-Reader. The first ever waterproof (IPX8) kindle on the market, complete with anti-glare and Audible so that you can listen to the world’s largest collection of audiobook on the move. Boasting a huge battery life cycle of weeks, weighing in at a crazy 194 grams, this one-handed beauty is the perfect companion any time, anywhere. The Kindle Oasis has an even bigger and better screen than before – 7-inch glare-free screen with an adaptive front light making it perfect to read in any condition.

What makes the Oasis an effortless use, is the page turning buttons located on the side of the device, within perfect reach for the user’s thumb – a lovely compliment to the design and the human-centered design approach taken here by Amazon. The rear of the Oasis has a tapered cut-away shape which splits the E-Reader into two thicknesses – 8.4mm and an alarming 3.4mm. This cut-away was not just an aesthetic choice from Amazon’s hardware team but this shape gives way to the slim, form-fitting cover options available for the Oasis and is designed to closely wrap the bezel like a glove. Snapping securely into place magnetically – wake up your Kindle or put it to sleep by simply opening or closing the cover.

Designer: Amazon









Stunning Architecture Photography by Fabio Mantovani

L’italien Fabio Mantovani est l’un des plus illustres photographes d’architecture. Il l’a prouvé une fois de plus en se rendant à Hong-Kong pour immortaliser les résidences titanesques où est logée la classe ouvrière. Armé de son appareil, il a su capturer de manière exemplaire toute la sensibilité et l’histoire de ces bâtiments, à première vue, sans âme.

People and Streets of Tokyo by RK

Basé à Tokyo, le photographe « RK » réalise toutes ses photographies à l’aide de son iPhone, de la capture à la retouche. Et qui de mieux placé qu’un natif de la grande cité japonaise pour nous en dévoiler tous les secrets et saisissants angles de vue ? Des petits commerçants aux allées nocturnes sans oublier les gigantesques quartiers comme Harajuku, RK nous dévoile sa ville, de la meilleure des façons.

Apple's Self-Driving Lexus Spotted in the Wild; Points to Possibility of Aftermarket Add-On Autonomy

This week MacCallister Higgins, a software engineer who specializes in autonomous vehicles, Tweeted this video that’s reportedly of Apple’s self-driving car:

<div contenteditable="false" id="7e7651_5272" class="embed_wrapper clear_both" data-twitter-embed="

Going to need more than 140 characters to go over ??’s Project Titan. I call it “The Thing”

— MacCallister Higgins (@macjshiggins) October 17, 2017″>

Higgins co-founded Voyage Auto, a group of ex-Apple, ex-Google and ex-Udacity engineers that are developing self-driving vehicles. It’s possible he or his company is doing freelance work for Apple.

In any case, the car is apparently out in the wild for testing; a MacRumors reader also spotted the car and uploaded this quick clip of it:

What we’re looking at here is a Lexus RX, and the ungainly rig up top is reportedly a sensor array consisting of LIDAR, cameras and either sonar or radar. You may remember that Apple once hoped to build their own car from scratch, but abandoned that plan and decided to pursue autonomous driving instead; so what’s interesting about the roof array is that it may point towards a future in which these are fitted to existing cars as an aftermarket add-on, rendering the vehicle autonomous.

Apple fans have lamented the company’s lack of recent hit products; might the roof add-on be the next one?

Hilariously Stupid Car Stunts is a vehicle simulation program that “applies basic engineering
principles gleaned through its research into materials science,” as the BBC
puts it. By accurately modeling how glass, plastic and steel all deform differently
under impacts, the program’s physics engine can depict incredibly realistic
crashes that might provide useful data to safety researchers, and Hollywood
studios have reportedly expressed interest in using the game to pre-visualize
automotive stunts before putting actual stuntmen at risk.

Released as a game on the Steam platform, people have been
steadily abusing it to create hilariously stupid and elaborate ways to destroy
a car. There are entire YouTube channels dedicated to showcasing their kinetic

Impossible Car Stunts

100 Speed Bumps at Over 100 M.P.H.

Narrowing Walls Car Crashes

Cars vs. Giant Concrete Balls

Cars Jumping Into Gigantic
Circular Saw Blades

I’m not sure what’s funnier: The
dumbness of the scenarios, or the fact that people spent hours conceiving of
and executing them, or the fact that I’m sitting here watching them all.

You can find more at the following
channels: ExtenPro,
and DestructionNation.














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