Andy Serkis Breaks Down His Motion Capture Performances

“War for the Planet of the Apes star Andy Serkis is the world’s greatest motion capture performer. His abilities are so in-demand that much of the technology behind motion capture has evolved along with his performances. Andy breaks down some of the major moments of his career along with how the filmmaking tools have changed alongside it.”..(Read…)

Simon's Cat Logic: Are Black Cats Unlucky?

Cats Protection celebrates Black Cat Day on Friday 27th October. In this special edition of Simon’s Cat Logic Simon introduces his NEW kitten Poppy and Nicky dispels myths about black cats being unlucky…(Read…)

Cats on Treadmill

“Sweetie and Sam were sharing the treadmill. The sound of their little feet is so soothing.”..(Read…)

Official Trailer for Hasraf 'HaZ' Dulull's Space Sci-Fi 'The Beyond'

Gravitas Ventures debuted this full trailer for the space sci-fi The Beyond. “Set in 2019, The Beyond chronicles the groundbreaking mission which sent astronauts – modified with advanced robotics, through a newly discovered wormhole known as the Void. When the mission returns unexpectedly, the space agency races to discover what the astronauts encountered on their first of its kind interstellar space journey. The Beyond is an original sci-fi project written and directed by sci-fi filmmaker Hasraf “HaZ” Dulull (check out his Vimeo page), who started out with VFX work and short films, and directed his first feature film Origin Unknown, which is still awaiting release. According to THR, HaZ hopes “to do to sci-fi what Blumhouse did for horror.” He wrote, directed, edited, produced and did the VFX to pull off The Beyond with a minimal budget. It is loosely based on his 2014 short Project Kronos. HaZ’s The Beyond will be released direct-to-VOD on January 9th, 2018 at the beginning of next year.”..(Read…)

Picture of day: Black + White = Panda

Black + White = Panda..(Read…)

Google’s most innovative gadget yet?


It’s 2017. Desktops are pretty much dead. Laptop sales are slowing down incredibly, and tablet sales have seen quite a slump too. What has gained traction however is the idea of a smart home and all the products around it. Designer Michio Papers created a bridge between the two faces of the tech industry to revive the laptop and the tablet while giving them the makeover they needed. The Google Link is everything you, your workspace, and your home needs. Made of multiple separate gadgets that come together, the Google Link serves all purposes. When assembled together, it’s your dedicated smart-home device capable of connecting via the internet to all other IoT gadgets in your house. Separate it and things get really interesting. You have a speaker dock that makes the Google Link your very own AI Assistant while being a wireless speaker too. What you also have is a very capable 2-in-1 laptop/tablet that you can carry around to work. A lower keyboard component allows you to slide an upper tablet component in to get the full Chromebook experience. The tablet on top can be used independently too, and comes with an inbuilt trackpad and stylus that you can slide out and use at work. Come back and you can snap all the components back together and you’ve got the Link giving you the best Google-aided smart-home experience you could ask for!

Designer: Michio Papers














Bar&Restaurant Design Award Winners

The Restaurant&Bar Design Awards est une compétition réservée au design des espaces gastronomiques, dont le jury est composé par un ensemble de personnalités reconnues dans l’univers de l’architecture et la décoration. Pour sa neuvième édition, il nous dévoile un palmarès international oscillant entre modernité et tradition, esthétique urbaine et champêtre, reconstitution historique ou bien futuriste. À découvrir ici-bas.

Broadway Interiors / Lock Stock & Barrel / Dubai

The Penny Drop Restaurant / Golden / Melbourne, Australia

Fucina / Andy Murphy Architecture / London, England

Colicci / Mizzi Studio / London, England

Duck Duck Goat / AvroKO / Chicago, USA

Coppa Club / Inhouse Design / London, England

Piccolino / Hachem / Mount Waverley, Australia

Vita Santa / Collidanielarchitetto / Florence, Italy

The Kitty Hawk / Russell Sage Studio / London, England

Wallpapers Bar + Kitchen / Virgile + Partners / London, England

Rhoda / Joyce Wang Studio / Hong Kong

Nanan / Buck Studio / Wroclaw, Poland

Dyer-Smith Frei / LEXY / Zurich, Switzerland

Collins Room / Robert Angell Design International / London, England

Nando’s Putney Kitchen / Fusion DNA / London, England

Concorde BGW / Lost & Found / Knutsford, UK

JIS / The Whole Design / Sapporo, Japan

Eneko at One Aldwich / Casson Mann  / London, England

Mi Chola / Davis Ink Limited / Aspen, USA

Nelson’s Diner / Prosper / Newbury, UK

Clerkenwell Grind / Biasol Design Studio / London, England

Shade Burger / Yod Design Lab / Poltava, Ukraine

The escapologist / Finch Interiors / London, England

Westlight / Studio Munge / NYC, USA

Exploration Of The African Tribe Khoisan

Dans son travail, Namsa Leuba explore la façon dont l’identité africaine est perçue par le monde occidental. Ses séries photographiques sont toujours mises en scène soigneusement et de manière théâtrale autour des symboles culturels de son héritage qu’elle réinterprète au travers de la mode et du stylisme. Khoisan est une exploration de la tribu africaine du même nom. En vêtissant les modèles de peaux et de masques, elle fait ainsi référence à leurs pratiques traditionnelles telles que la chasse.

Image courtesy of Art Twenty One, Lagos.

Image courtesy of Art Twenty One, Lagos.

Image courtesy of Art Twenty One, Lagos.

Image courtesy of Art Twenty One, Lagos.

Image courtesy of Art Twenty One, Lagos.

Image courtesy of Art Twenty One, Lagos.
Image courtesy of Art Twenty One, Lagos.
Image courtesy of Art Twenty One, Lagos.
Image courtesy of Art Twenty One, Lagos.
Image courtesy of Art Twenty One, Lagos.

Sculptural Wood Staircase In LVMH Office by Ora Ito

LVMH a fait appel au très apprécié designer Français Ora Ïto pour dessiner les escaliers de ses nouveaux bureaux dans le 15eme arrondissement de Paris. Maison des médias Le Parisien et les Echos, le batiment de 4 étages est désormais doté d’une magnifique structure interne en bois reliant les étages entre eux, apportant une touche d’harmonie géométrique. Construit avec des panneaux de bois verticaux dans une forme de serpent presque infinie, cette sublime réalisation vient magnifier l’espace.

Toutes les photographies sont de We Are Content(s)


Amazing Photographs of Endangered Species by Tim Flach

Tim Flach est connu pour son livre More Than Human qui réunit des portraits animaliers époustouflants de diverses espèces. Le photographe revient avec une nouvelle série photographique intitulée Endangered (publiée par Abrams avec le texte du zoologiste Jonathan Baillie) qui présente des animaux en voie d’extinction. Après avoir voyagé autour du globe, Flach a pu constituer une collection de clichés remarquables d’animaux et d’écosystèmes face à des conditions très difficiles. Chaque animal est répertorié dans l’une des catégories de la liste rouge de l’UICN (Union internationale pour la conservation de la nature) : espèce vulnérable, en danger ou en danger critique.

Book credit: Endangered by Tim Flach and text by Jonathan Baillie (Abrams) Image credit: © 2017 Tim Flach
Book credit: Endangered by Tim Flach and text by Jonathan Baillie (Abrams) Image credit: © 2017 Tim Flach
Book credit: Endangered by Tim Flach and text by Jonathan Baillie (Abrams) Image credit: © 2017 Tim Flach
Book credit: Endangered by Tim Flach and text by Jonathan Baillie (Abrams) Image credit: © 2017 Tim Flach
Book credit: Endangered by Tim Flach and text by Jonathan Baillie (Abrams) Image credit: © 2017 Tim Flach
Book credit: Endangered by Tim Flach and text by Jonathan Baillie (Abrams) Image credit: © 2017 Tim Flach
Book credit: Endangered by Tim Flach and text by Jonathan Baillie (Abrams) Image credit: © 2017 Tim Flach
Book credit: Endangered by Tim Flach and text by Jonathan Baillie (Abrams) Image credit: © 2017 Tim Flach