The Thirst is Real!


What do you know about water? How much should you consume? What does a lack of it cause? Considering that it makes up about 60% of our body, we should all know a lot more. More importantly, about 75% of us should be drinking more because proper hydration is necessary for our bodies to perform correctly.

Designed with this in mind, the Sixty Hydration Monitor offers several tiers of hydration level feedback. The device can be worn constantly, responding to fluctuating hydration levels in real-time and informing the user of incorrect behavior.

Of course, nobody wants to wear anything all the time, so Sixty can also be helpful when it’s not being worn. The device is attached to the strap via embedded magnets and can be detached to be left on a table-top or in a pocket, for example. In this standalone format the device will periodically prompt the user to check their hydration level by manually placing the device against the skin and tapping the surface.

Using the companion smartphone/smartwatch app, users can gain fluid intake advice and maintain awareness to potential symptoms as well as their unique hydration history.

Designers: Chris Pearce & Mark Teucher for Crux Product Design











Solar Eclipse in your Living Room!

The next total solar eclipse will be visible to central and north-eastern America in April 2024. Or it could appear in your living room every day with the Orrery Lamp. Designed to be an elegant representation of the choreography between the sun, moon, and our home planet, the earth, the Orrery Lamp is literally out of this world!

The lamp showcases the sun like never before in a beautiful warm glowing orb of hand-blown glass. Around it, suspended on a machined brass poles are wooden orbs, the size of the earth and the moon (with respect to the sun). The lamp itself comes with a dimmer switch, allowing you to set your mood, while the earth and moon can be placed anywhere around the orbit of the sun, creating either what would be the position of the cosmic bodies with respect to the time of the day, or even creating scenarios like solar and lunar eclipses (without having to wear those spectacles!)

Orrery’s sheer beauty lies in the fact that it doesn’t portray itself as a scientific lighting device/installation, but rather as the most elegant lamp in your home that takes inspiration from astronomical events. The sun itself comes in hand-blown glass, while the planets/satellites are lathe-spun out of walnut wood and then mounted on a machined brass fixture that’s available in a classic polished brass or a midnight blue finish. You’ll even find that the model of the earth is tilted at the 23.5° angle, lending not only accuracy to the lamp’s design, but also giving it a unique detail that breaks the flow of expectation of the design in an eye-catching way. Orrery comes in two sizes, a tabletop variant for adorning on coffee-tables, study-tables and mantelpieces, while the taller standing lamp variant proves to be perfect for study rooms, or even living rooms, acting as an installation and an interactive element while even being a rather wonderful conversations starter, because the Orrery lamp is the most captivating lamp you’ll ever own!

Designer: Bobby Genalo


Table Lamp $350
Floor Lamp $550




In Brass.


In Midnight Blue.


Hidden superpower

By glancing between a companion website and the lamp, users can manually adjust the Earth and Moon around the Sun to correspond perfectly with any moment now or in the near future.


Mobile Calibration


Desktop Calibration






Table Lamp $350
Floor Lamp $550

Easy Analog at Night


Love the look of your analog watch but can’t read the time at night? Try the Eclipse watch! Other designs are often only equipped with a dim, button-activated, miniature light that does little to nothing to illuminate the face. The Eclipse is equipped with a recessed LED light ring that spans the entire circumference. Best of all, the extra illumination is near invisible in daylight to keep the overall aesthetic clean and minimal.

Designer: Ananthakrishnan Balasubramanian










Floss like a boss!

Ever been to a job interview only to realize later that you had some rye or a spinach leaf, or something unsightly from your lunch stuck to your teeth? Or imagine going on a date and leaving the restaurant with food trapped between your teeth. No way any of those scenarios are going to end in a good way, right?

Cross-Floss wants to make periodic, on-the-spot flossing easier. Rather than carrying random strings of floss around with you and heading to the bathroom every time you want to clean your mouth, the Cross Floss comes with flossing string wrapped around it, then all you do is place the device in your mouth and begin chewing on it and the floss works its way into the gaps between your teeth. No weird faces, no pulling on disgusting pieces of rope. Just pretend you’re chewing gum (because that’s what it feels like) while your pearly whites stay white!

Designer: Star Floss AS







Marvelous Pictures of Bangkok at Night by Xavier Portela

Le photographe belge Xavier Portela nous avait ébloui avec ses photos des néons de Tokyo. Il nous partage cette fois, ses clichés en provenance de Bangkok. Il nous emmène dans les rues de la capitale thaïlandaise à la nuit tombée. L’artiste a saisit la vie nocturne de la ville aussi bien dans les rues qu’au sommet des gratte-ciels.


Streets of London by Joshua K. Jackson

Basé à Londres, Joshua K. Jackson immortalise les rues de sa ville. Lorsqu’il sévit, il s’inspire de son amour pour l’environnement urbain et l’infinité d’histoires qu’il fournit. Son approche de la photographie a fortement été influencée par des artistes reconnus comme Saul Leiter, Ernst Haas et Fred Herzog.

Outsanding Aerial Photography by Niaz Uddin

Sur son site, le photographe californien Niaz Uddin soutient créer du « contenu incroyable ». À en juger par ses photographies prises du ciel, il ne ment point. Qu’il s’agisse d’une forêt, d’une plage ou d’un volcan, ses oeuvres vertigineuses et oniriques capturent à elles seules toute la puissance des paysages.

Nike Wall Mural by Neil Stevens

Outre ses collaborations avec de grands titres de presse comme Wired, The Guardian ou The Hollywood Reporter, l’illustrateur londonien Neil Stevens réalise aussi des projets pour des marques. Récemment, avec son style si singulier, il a imaginé pour les besoins de Nike une fresque pour un terrain de basketball situé à Barcelone.

Los Alamos by William Eggleston

Le photographe américain William Eggleston est considéré comme l’un des pionniers de la photographie en couleur des années 1960. Il a fait de l’Amérique son sujet de prédilection. Los Alamos regroupe les photos prises lors de différents road trips entre 1966 et 1974. Le projet commence dans la ville natale du photographe, à Memphis, et nous fait voyager jusque Santa Monica en passant par Los Alamos, ville du Nouveau-Mexique où la bombe atomique fut développée et qui donne son nom à la série.





















Stranger Things Posters Inspired by Vintage Films

Les influences cinématographiques derrière Stranger Things sont désormais connues : The Evil Dead, Running Man, Firestarter et Alien, autant de chef d’oeuvre de l’horreur et de science-fiction qui ont nourri l’univers des frères Duffer. Ici, une nouvelle campagne de promotion de la saison 2 (qui sortira le 27 octobre) rend hommage au cinéma des années 1980 avec brio.