Functional wood sculptures by Jaehyo Lee

L’artiste coréen Jaehyo Lee crée des sculptures fonctionnelles en bois, tel que des tabourets, ainsi que des formes abstraites. Cette impression que les espaces entre les troncs ont été remplis d’une substance noire est dû a un travail d’ombrage et aux effets de carbonisation. Il réalise aussi le même genre d’oeuvres avec des clous et des pierres.

Tom Dixon launches two new lighting designs at Stockholm Design Week

British designer Tom Dixon has unveiled two new lighting designs – a wall-mounted lamp inspired by insulated flasks, and a brass-plated chandelier that can be rotated into different configurations.

The two new pieces, named Void and Plane, were presented for the first time during this year’s Stockholm Furniture Fair, which takes place until 11 February.

Void is a wall-mounted lamp inspired by insulated flasks

The shape of Void is designed to reference the thermal flasks used to carry hot drinks.

The wall-mounted lamp features a halogen bulb that creates a soft, directional light. Typical of many of Dixon’s products, it’s exterior is polished to a highly reflective finish.

Plane is a brass-plated chandelier that can be rotated into different configurations

Plane is more of a statement piece, intended to be used in rooms with high ceilings – particularly stairwells.

“The brass-plated steel frames planes can be rotated to create different configurations and mysterious optical illusions,” said the studio.

Both designs are on show at Dixon’s stand at Stockholm Furniture Fair until 11 February.

Accessories round-up
Dixon is also showcasing his first collection of office furniture in Stockholm

The designer is also showcasing his first collection of office furniture, which includes a minimalist lamp and a workstation based on archetypical Victorian school desks.

His new range of hand washes and balms, lighting and bathroom storage containers – and even washing-up liquid – are also on show at the stand.

Stockholm Furniture Fair is taking place as part of the city-wide design week, which is on until 11 February.

Other products launched at the fair include Timo Niskanen’s giant loop-shaped lamp and Claesson Koivisto Rune’s latest Small Objects.

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About Silence in The Italian Alps

Même si Marco Marra réside à Londres, il est originaire d’un petit village perdu dans les Alpes italiennes. C’est donc lors d’un voyage sur ses terres natales que le photographe a réussi à mettre en image le silence qui y règne. Cette série montre la différence entre l’isolement et la paix.

Calm and Silent Urban Areas in Black and White

Le photographe philippin Dennis Ramos, dont nous avions sélectionné le travail dans notre bilan de fin d’année consacré au noir et blanc, pousse sa pratique de la photographie un peu plus loin avec sa série intitulée strata. L’artiste y immortalise en effet des bâtiments solitaires et des rues désertes en respectant toujours le même plan, portant une attention toute particulière aux contrastes.

Un travail d’orfèvre à découvrir ci-dessous, mais aussi sur le site de Dennis Ramos et sur son compte Instagram.

Design Job: For the Love of Art! The Metropolitan Museum of Art is Seeking an Exhibition Designer in New York, NY

General Description: The Exhibition Designer will support the development of the exhibition scope including concept design and presentation materials, spatial planning, millwork design and all drawings and renderings. This position will collaborate with other exhibition designers and curators, bringing best practices, and new creative strategies to

View the full design job here

The Power Bank You Never Need To Charge!

While mobiles have seen massive developments, and have grown slimmer and slimmer over time, the one component that contributes a great deal to the phone’s thickness has been none other than the Lithium ion battery. Batteries in general and power banks in particular haven’t really been hit by the “sleek revolution” yet. Power banks are usually brickish and the only way to settle for a slim one is to opt for one with a less powerful battery. OR you could opt for the PocketPower. The PocketPower basically says “Li-ion battery doesn’t fit in your pocket? How about Solar Panels??”. The brilliance of the Pocket Power is that it comes with four solar panels that work endlessly to juice your devices. What’s more is that it directly charges your device using solar power… so you don’t need to charge the power bank first. In fact, you don’t need to charge the power bank at all!

Here’s why solar panels are easily the best choice for device charging on the go. They’re incredibly slim (each panel is just 2mm thick) and flexible, which allows the PocketPower to fit in four solar panels into its lean frame.The entire design is also incredibly light, weighing in at just 200 grams. Okay, so… what if it’s raining outside? Not a problem! The PocketPower’s panels can take on rain, sand, and even snow. All you need is sunlight, regardless of the weather. The foldable design allows you to lay the PocketPower out on any surface and even strap it right to your backpack so you can charge on the go. Using the PocketPower is literally as simple as plugging one end of the cable into the PocketPower and the other into your device. Just place the panels in daylight and you’ve harnessed the magic of solar energy!

The PocketPower just works because it presents itself as a lighter, slimmer, more flexible solution. It doesn’t even need to be charged to work, unlike the power bank you’ve got right now. And hey… unlike Lithium ion batteries that are highly flammable and explosive, the PocketPower is much safer to use too!

Designers: John Gui & Dave Qui

BUY IT HERE: $45.00











An Enthusiastic Antkeeper Narrates His Ants Moving To A Massive New Terrarium

“A huge war between The Golden Empire (Yellow Crazy Ants) and mites has been underway and we initially hoped exposing the ants to lemons would help rid them of their mites. However, 4 weeks later the mites have persisted and after speaking with some biologists we learned that the ants needed to be moved out of their home asap. By popular vote, the Golden Empire’s new home was going to be a huge planted terrarium, one we call the Hacienda Del Dorado. Watch the drama unfold as the ants continue forward against this epic war vs mites. “..(Read…)

Advanced Robotic Bat Can Fly Like the Real Thing

Using a custom-made silicon skin and articulated morphing wings, Soon-Jo Chung and researchers from UIUC created Bat Bot (B2), an autonomous flying robot that mimics the flight characteristics of real bats…(Read…)

Kids sneak into Super Bowl 51 with a ladder

Sneaking into the super bowl..(Read…)

New C215 Stencil Exhibition About Athletes in Nice, France

Du 10 février au 21 mai prochain, l’artiste français C215 exposera une quarantaine de portraits d’athlètes célèbres effectués au pochoir, au Musée National du Sport à Nice. Une manière pour Christian Guémy de son vrai nom, de partager sa passion pour le milieu du sport et, comme il nous l’a confié, de « raconter des histoires à travers des portraits très humains, qui nous rendent toutes ces idoles sportives un peu plus familières », au-delà de leurs accomplissements ou de leurs palmarès.

Pour cette exposition sobrement intitulée Athlètes, dont le vernissage aura lieu ce jeudi 9 février dans la capitale Azuréenne, il a choisi d’apposer ses oeuvres directement sur des équipements ayant appartenu aux sportifs mis à l’honneur. Une manière « d’intégrer le fond et la forme », explique-t-il, et de se servir « des couleurs, de la structure et de la fonction de l’équipement comme d’un contexte » sur lequel il s’appuie lors de son processus créatif.

Au programme de cette exposition, des portraits de Nikola Karabatic, Tony Parker, Sarah Ourahmoune, Renaud Lavillenie, Laura Flessel, Antoine Griezmann, Marie-Amelie Le Fur ou encore Zinédine Zidane. Un panel varié allant du handball à l’escrime en passant par la boxe, le basket, l’athlétisme et le football.

Des oeuvres aux traits précis, dans lesquelles la patte atypique de l’artiste apparaît au premier coup d’oeil, qui seront également accessibles au public en avril dans la galerie parisienne Openspace et à la mairie du XIIIème arrondissement à l’automne. Entre temps, C215 continuera sur le même rythme de vie, qu’il décrit ainsi : « enfermé chez moi, assis à ma table de découpe, à ciseler sans relâche des dizaines de portraits ».