Geometric Rugs

Patricia Urquiola’s geometric rug designs, called “Visioni”, consists of two rug designs with contemporary and abstract patterns that look more like technical drawings than actual everyday objects. Cool..(Read…)

Deaf Woman Performs an Amazing American Sign Language Interpretation of 'Alexander Hamilton'

Sarah Tubert, a talented 24-year old California woman who became deaf at the age of three due to a severed facial nerve, performed an absolutely amazing American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation of “Alexander Hamilton”…(Read…)

Fungi and Floral Sculptures made from Recycled Paper

Originaire de Bristol, Kate Kato a développé dès petite une passion pour l’art du papier, pratique qu’elle exerce aujourd’hui en tant qu’artiste à plein temps. Vivant au sommet d’une vallée à Welsh boarders, un cadre naturel propice à l’évasion spirituelle et à l’inspiration, elle utilise des du papier et des matérieaux recyclés afin de les transformer en de délicates sculptures inspirées de la nature. En effet ses jolies sculptures sont la représentation réaliste d’insectes, de champignons et de plantes variées.



The Rok Collection has been designed exclusively by Jim Hamilton for Knightsbridge. The range of upholstered seating demands attention with its stylis..

A Wee Workspace


Minimalistic in material and aesthetics, BEA is a reduced workspace concept that makes no sacrifices for style over functionality. The handsome collection includes a two-legged desk, flexible lamp and a chair.

The desk is reduced to two legs for maximum material and space savings. Bolted to any wall, its dynamic look is achieved by 20° angled legs. The lamp is attached to the surface of the desk. It is able to swivel in two directions, 360°. The frosted/sandblasted transparent inlay provides a smooth, diffused, glow. Also built in to the desktop is a small soft notch for cable management as well as a little push-mounted plastic bowl that can be used as a pencil holder, to store other items, or even to grow a plant!

Designer: MONO SOLO Design




Michael Jackson's 'Black Or White' on The Floppotron Computer Hardware Orchestra

Paweł Zadrożniak performs a uniquely geeky cover of Michael Jackson’s 1991 pop hit, “Black Or White,” on the computer hardware orchestra he created, aka “The Floppotron,” which includes 64 floppy drives, 8 hard drives, and 2 scanners…(Read…)

Miniature Bacon and Eggs

Jay Baron from Walking With Giants meticulously prepares a miniature version of the classic bacon and eggs breakfast…(Read…)

Chicken Pianist Performs Beautiful Sonata

French composer and musician Gautier Serre (aka Igorrr) films as his beloved pet chicken, Patrick, performs an original sonata on a miniature piano.”The musical timing from Patrick’s emotionally charged pecking sonata has not been altered or changed. Igorrr has only provided the backing accompaniment.”..(Read…)

Horses Laugh Hysterically at Bad Driver in Hilarious New Volkswagen Commercial

In this Volkswagen ad from Germany, which touts Volkswagen’s trailer assist feature, a group of horses laugh uncontrollably at a man’s inability to park…(Read…)

A Man Helps A Skunk

Saving a skunk with a Coke can stuck on his head…(Read…)