Cité Radieuse combines elements from many of Le Corbusier's previous designs

World Heritage Corb: Le Corbusier’s Unité d’Habitation in Marseille is one of French-Swiss architect’s most recognised buildings, and is the last in our series exploring the 17 of his projects added to UNESCO’s World Heritage List (+ slideshow).

The apartment complex in the French city – also known as Cité Radieuse – is the first of the architect’s experimental developments created across Europe.

Cité Radieuse by Le Corbusier

Widespread destruction during the second world war triggered an urgent need for accommodation in France, and Le Corbusier was commissioned by the government to “demonstrate a new art of building to transform housing”.

The architect, whose vanguard designs interpreted the house as a “machine for living”, took on the challenge with enthusiasm. The building he envisioned would act as a vertical city encompassing every human need.

Cité Radieuse by Le Corbusier

He had already devised other large-scale housing schemes. For this project, he combined many of the principles used in his previous buildings.

For example, his 1932 Immeuble Clarté, in Geneva, features a double-loaded corridor system used to access the apartments. A similar system was employed in the Cité Radieuse, in which a single corridor serves four floors.

Cité Radieuse by Le Corbusier

Le Corbusier also employed his signature exposed board-marked concrete structure, which he had realised would reduce construction costs.

This strategy was used in earlier factory designs, where cost efficiency was paramount. For example, the Claude et Duval Hoisery in Saint-Dié, France was also built with rough concrete “béton brut” – which informed the term Brutalism used to define this style of architecture.

Cité Radieuse by Le Corbusier

Other features, such as the rooftop terrace reserved for outdoor activities and the ground plane raised on pilotis, were featured in most of Le Corbusier’s designs prior to the Unité d’Habitation.

They can be observed in many projects, from the iconic Villa Savoye to lesser-known buildings like the Cité Frugès worker’s housing outside Bordeaux.

Cité Radieuse by Le Corbusier

Ultimately, the Marseille project embodied all of the architect’s ideas about design, and served as an example of a new housing typology. Le Corbusier would go on to build five other housing units based on this template, in Nantes-Rezé, Berlin, Briey and Firminy.

Cité Radieuse by Le Corbusier

Other Le Corbusier projects that were added last month to UNESCO’s World Heritage list include the Ronchamp Chapel, which features curved lines and a swooping roof, and a house in Argentina that the architect designed without ever visiting the site.

Photography is by Catrina Beevor.

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Mrzyk & Moriceau create cast of surreal commuters for The Avalanches

Illustration duo Mrzyk & Moriceau’s music video for The Avalanches’ track Subways features a collection of colourful characters embarking on a surreal underground journey (+ movie).

The video is divided into nine parts, each revolving around one of nine different characters riding a rainbow-coloured subway. Individuals include a poodle clown, a pair of high-fiving rats, and an apple-headed man walking a worm.

Mrzyk & Moriceau create cast of surreal commuters for The Avalanches

Mrzyk & Moriceau based the characters on figures from popular culture and films, including a man with long red legs modelled on Saturday Night Fever’s Tony Manero, and a purpled-haired individual apparently inspired by musician John Cale.

Mrzyk & Moriceau create cast of surreal commuters for The Avalanches

The film follows their journey through a surreal subway inhabited by hot dog rollercoasters and disembodied figures. The illustration duo also created an unusual cast of fellow passengers, which includes everything from swearing cats to bearded nudists.

“The concept was to create a full 2D cartoon inspired by Sesame Street,” the pair explained. “An old school, grainy and fully handmade cartoon, as if it had been created in the 70s.”

Mrzyk & Moriceau create cast of surreal commuters for The Avalanches

The film took just over a month to complete. Mathematic Studio in Paris created the final animation, based on storyboards by the pair.

Surreal animation also featured in French band Toybloïd’s If You Dare music video, which features hallucinatory images based on road trip films from the 1960s and 70s.

Mrzyk & Moriceau create cast of surreal commuters for The Avalanches

Animator Anna Ginsburg took a psychedelic approach for Scottish musician Steve Mason, creating a collection of unusual helmeted characters for his Planet Sizes video.

The Subways single is available for download and appears on the Wildflower album, which came out earlier in the year.

The post Mrzyk & Moriceau create cast of surreal commuters for The Avalanches appeared first on Dezeen.

Authentic Pictures of Daily Life in Egypt

De l’Egypte on connaît surtout les monuments et le glorieux passé, mais que sait-on des Egyptiens d’aujourd’hui? Avec cette série de clichés pris un peu partout, à Alexandrie, au Caire ou à Nuba, Ahmed Gaber nous montre son pays à travers ses yeux. Il réussit à capturer très naturellement des scènes de vies et les visages animés de ses sujets. Vous pouvez découvrir la série complète sur Behance.


Eclectic 3D Art Typography

Regroupées sous les séries CGI letter test et New, vous pouvez découvrir toute la richesse de la palette de styles de Victor Bregante. Ces créations ont des formes tellement travaillées, qu’elles sont presque aussi fortes que le mot ou l’expression illustrés. New devait lui servir à faire de la publicité pour son tout nouveau site, pari réussi. Découvrez le talent de cet artiste qui façonne habilement la matière digitale.


A Horrific Juxtaposition Envelops Dwayne Wade

On Thursday, Dwayne Wade led off his portion of The Undefeated’s special town hall conversation about gun violence in Chicago by telling moderator Jemele Hill that his experience growing up in the city “was a lot of us killing us.” On Friday, a most horrific confirmation that this is still the case occurred.


It was 3:30 p.m. in the afternoon. Nykea Aldridge, 32, was pushing a baby stroller and on her way to the Dulles School of Excellence to register some of her other four children for the school year. The man she was walking with was targeted; she was shot in the head and arm; she died, later, at the hospital.


Wade tweeted his reaction Friday. A day after he offered, arguably, the very best description of the root problem during his portion of The Undefeated town hall. Said Wade:

“You try to come in, as an individual, and say, ‘OK, I have a foundation, I want to do something. What is the problem in the community?’”

“And I think it goes way back. I think it goes back to the Great Migration. I think that back then, when jobs were dried up, when we weren’t privileged to certain high educations, to even healthy foods. I think at that moment, at that time, I think we started to turn on each other. And we kind of adopted that mentality that, it’s about me surviving. And we still live that today.”

“It’s like, ‘I don’t want to tell no one else the information and knowledge I have, because I don’t want this person to be bigger or better than me.’ And that’s the mentality our community has taken. It goes way back. That’s why I think it’s important for all of us to help each other, to go back, to say, ‘You know what, where did this start, how did this start, and let’s see whether we can change there.’”

“And not try to be one individual. Not be ways or a foundation, and try to do one rally or speak about myself. It’s about a collective group, it’s about a whole coming together, and understanding that it’s deep-rooted. This is something that didn’t start today. This is something that is not going to end tomorrow. But this is something we can start the conversation, we can start the work today. And hopefully eventually, we can stop it.”


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Link About It: This Week's Picks

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The Lovely Frescos of Vera Bugatti

Le style de Vera Bugatti est facilement reconnaissable. Bien que les sujets de ses différentes créations soient très variés, les personnages sont unis par un même style à la fois drôle et poétique. Ses oeuvres s’inspirent en partie de contes et de légendes, car en plus de son diplôme d’art elle est a fait des recherches sur l’édition au XVIe siècle et elle travaille comme bibliothécaire. Le street-art est une facette de sa recherche artistique, et elle a été invitée à peindre dans différents pays du monde: Mexique, Russie, Lituanie… Vous pouvez suivre son actualité sur Facebook.

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