Bklynr Founders Calling It Quits
Posted in: UncategorizedHere’s what a typical issue of Brooklyn-focused digital publication Bklynr looks like:
Per Capital New York’s Sean Augustine-Obi, the publication is close things down, with one final (larger) issue set for later this month. The only silver lining for the magazine’s contributors and part-time editors is that the decision is not primarily motivated by finances:
Ultimately, Bklynr’s founders never intended for the site to eclipse their full-time jobs. Thomas Rhiel, who had called the site “a side project” in 2013, is a designer and developer at Atavist, and Raphael Pope-Sussman is a senior writer at the Center for Court Innovation. But that won’t stop Rhiel from pursuing future ventures in online media.
… It was a lack of time, not a lack of subscribers, that led to Bklynr’s closure, Rhiel said in a memo to staff.
This feels like the kind of situation where someone else will offer to step in. Read Thursday’s Bklynr memo here.