2011 review: September

Sleepbox by Arch Group

Here are our five most-viewed stories from September of this year. Sleepbox came first – a small hotel room for napping in airports. 

Dresden Museum of Military History by Daniel Libeskind

Next up was the Dresden Museum of Military History in Germany by architect Daniel Libeskind with an angular steel and glass wedge between the existing galleries of the museum, which really fired up readers’ comments.

Naust paa Aure by TYIN tegnestue Architects

Third most-viewed for this month was this summer house in Norway built using reclaimed material.

House in Sri Lanka by Tadao Ando

In fourth place was a concrete house by architect Tadao Ando in Sri Lanka.

Silencio by David Lynch

The Club Silencio in Paris by movie director David Lynch completes our list as the fifth most popular story in September.

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